Sunday, April 05, 2009


Today we're cooking dinner at home. I am making roast lamb and vegetables and my sister-in-law is making risotto and baked cod. Errrrr, it's a very warm day even though its raining. What a bitch!

My darling is abit emo. Even though I'm not sure why. But life's like that. Suck it up.

Drove out to AMK Hub just now. Because Debbie must have eggplant. Singaporean drivers are such w*nkers. They should close down the driving schools in Singapore cos they're obviously not very good.

To that blue Honda Civic: If I ever see you again, I'll make you into meatballs make you call the tow truck because you won't have any tires left! I hope you crash into a pole! But don't die. So I can make you suffer more. Eat sh*t bitch!

End rant.